What To Get Your Family and Friends For The Holidays According To These 4 Influencers

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As the holiday season is just around the corner, we know that picking the perfect gift for your loved ones can always be a tricky task. That’s why we asked four Influencers what their own opinion of a “go-to” gift is, and who is set to receive them. We hope their answers can inspire you to find that that ideal holiday present!

Nicole Msipha:

Nicole’s go-to gifts are more fashion oriented . The list consists of clothing, accessories and shoes. She likes to shop for these gifts from stores such as  Adidas, Woolworths, Forever 21, Mr. Price, Ackermans, and Zara.

Here are some of our cool finds:

Image source: www.forever21.com, www.adidas.com, and www.zara.com.

Chantelle Sonderegger:

Chantelle is going the personalized route

“This year we are making calendars off Vistaprint for everyone in my family. My husband and I just got married in September so each family member will get a personalized calendar with pictures from our special day!”

Other than that Chantelle recommends Amazon for their broad selection of items and gifts.

Here are some of our cool finds:

Image source: Vistaprint.com, Amazon.com

Bianca Zakerani:

Bianca’s go-to gifts revolve around skincare products and tools for her loved ones because it’s usually the present people forget to buy for themselves!

“ I love finding cute clothes for my mom, dad, or boyfriend but also love finding skincare products and skincare tools that someone may not have thought of purchasing for themselves!

She usually shops at Nordstrom for one main reason:

Their return policy is amazing!

Here are some of our cool finds:

Image Soure: shop.nordstrom.com

Iris Tang:

Iris tang’s go-to gift would be something you wouldn’t expect

“Rare, funny or sexy things” she says. Useful things we can all get on our own. I like to get gifts that we can laugh and have fun with. I get these for my girlfriends & we do a “white elephant” with close friends.”

Iris recommends Urban Outfitters for shopping for gifts.

Here are some of our cool finds:

Image source: www.urbanoutfitters.com

ShoppingNoam Giras