How These Micro-Influencers Are Building Communities of Micro-Influencers


A micro-influencer is someone with a small following online. These influencers tend to be more engaged & closer to their audience than huge influencers and celebrities. This is the reason brands and followers enjoy working and following micro-influencers. Some of these influencers are trying to build communities of their own. Keep reading to meet three girls who are doing just that.

Jocelyn Felix

Jocelyn is an influencer from New York  and is the founder of Girl Talk a community that is focused around women and their goals. Jocelyn describes it like this “As women when we get together we love to do one thing and that is of course TALK. This community is all about opening up about our goals and our struggles in life in hopes that it helps us grow in our personal lives and our careers. It also a platform that will help those who want to become influencers or just even begin to follow their dreams.”

Paola Mendez

Paola is the founder of the Bloggers Union a community for bloggers in 8 different cities across America. The goal of the union is for bloggers to get together, network, and support each other.  Paola says “Our communities welcome anyone interested in being a blogger, influencer, content creator; or those interested in learning about digital marketing including business owners, marketers, etc.”

Lucy Gasparyan

Lucy is a micro-influencer and content creator from Armenia. She runs a Facebook group called Instagram Influencers Squad and hashtag called #squadbylucy. Lucy describes her group as “ a community of amazing and creative content creators who are either influencers on Instagram or they aspire to become full-time influencers on social media.”

Lucy never thought about starting a community like this. “I was receiving quite a few DMs about how to become an influencer and how to work with brands. I would try to help them and answer their questions, but it was hard to manage and reply to everyone so I thought why not create a group where I and other influencers could share our thoughts, tips, and support.”

Paola has been growing her community for over 5 years “What started with 5 people has grown to over 6000 members in five years. Getting together with like-minded people and seeing our members become empowered and inspired is the best part. We are letting this community take us where it wants.”

Jocelyn’s Girl Talk is a new community on the scene but has already hosted her own event! “I can vividly remember the conversation that erupted in the room being so inspirational and powerful. The flow and environment was so authentic and you could see new connections flourishing.”

For these girls creating a community is more than just networking. They want to use their following to connect, grow, and receive support from their fellow influencers.

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