Cozy at Home! What These Influencers Have Been Doing During the Quarantine

These crazy times have not stopped influencers from creating and getting creative with their content. More than ever followers and subscribers turn to these influencers to find relatable content of what they are going through while staying indoors because of quarantine.

We asked these 6 influencers what they have been doing during the quarantine…


During quarantine, I’ve been diving in head first to work! It’s been a great opportunity for me to work on projects I’ve put on the back burner. I’ve focused a lot on my blog,, and SEO to get in front of the right eyes at the right time. I’ve also had tons of time to get the dogs out of the house and go for daily walks. It’s been a great opportunity to be outdoors (safely).
My day to day work life hasn’t changed dramatically since having to quarantine as I’ve worked from home and for myself for the last year. I try to be mindful of when I need to stop working and give myself a break, otherwise I’ll burn out and lose the fire and motivation I have for my career. My content is very episodic so I have days where I’m shooting, days where I’m editing and days where I’m uploading/posting. For example, I have Mask Monday on my IG stories every week, How Tuesday on my IGTV, and new videos on my Youtube channel every Sunday. Not to mention content on IG or stories which are running consistently. It definitely helps to have some structure while things are so uncertain. And I find fulfillment in creating content that can either entertain or educate my audience, especially now.
During quarantine, I’ve been enjoying taking care of my plants. Especially since I cannot go outside and enjoy the Spring flowers. This is a great way to bring Spring inside your home. Pothos plants are very easy to take care of and they grow pretty quickly.
I’ve been focused on producing more content for my blog such as at home workouts, juicing recipes, home decor tips, and fashion.
I’ve been using this time to sharpen my mind and dedicating time to do things like meditation and journaling.
I’ve been using this time to really let myself slow down and enjoy tasks and inspiration as it comes, without pressuring myself to my To-Do list.
Noam Giras